Friday, October 30, 2015

Joe Abercrombie - Shattered Sea trilogy

Joe Abercrombie lassan de biztosan napjaink egyik legjobb fantasy írójává növi ki magát. A First Law trilógia világából már kihozta, amit ki lehetett, születtek is mesterművek - ideje volt tehát új vizekre evezni. Így született meg a Shattered Sea trilógia első kötete, a Half a King 2014-ben, melyben Joe Abercrombie lefekteti új világa alapjait.

The Rumour Said Fire - The Balcony

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Lucien Soulban: Black Cat of the Orient

"Then why are you lying to these folks? Because... they would never believe us. And I would never stop screaming if I did."

Jack Andrews once descended into the dungeons of Constantinople. The experience has rendered him something lower than a damaged alcoholic and his companions raving lunatics. Or dead.
A man is hiring black cats - people like Jack, whose encounters with the unknown have made them magnets of the supernatural - for a ride on the Orient Express to regal the rich and bored with their tales of suspense and macabre. And Jack decides, this might be his chance the end the nightmares...

Keves novellat fejezek be ugy, hogy utana rogton elkezdem elorol. Ez egy ilyen.