Friday, May 13, 2016

Pete Blaber: The Mission, The Men and Me

It's not easy to acquire information about Pete Blaber. That's rather unsurprising, since he spent the better part of his life in the Special Forces and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel before becoming a movie consultant. His book is equal parts of Leadership Guide, military history and action. He takes stories from his military career and shares the guiding principles derived from them along with their relevance and applicability for situations all of us encounter during our life. The book culminates in Pete Blaber's retelling of Operation Anaconda from his perspective, how the application of the principles shared have contributed to the mission and how their disregard by the chain of command has deteriorated the situation.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011)

Ez egy rendhagyo poszt. Nem konyvet, filmet, vagy egyeb, megszokott mediumot szeretnek ajanlani, hanem egy embert altalanossagban, es nehany nyilvanos szerepleset konkretan. Innen az uj tag, jobb hijan, "beszéd".

Christopher Hitchens kemenybalos oxfordi mozgalmarbol lett az amerikai alkotmany hive es az iraki haboru elkotelezett tamogatoja. Sarmor volt, hedonista, keprombolo, liberalis marxista, szenvedelyes vitazo es az ateizmus egyik zaszlovivoje. Szerette a whiskey-t, a cigarettat, a jo borokat, a noket - fiatalabb eveiben a fiukat -, utalta a karacsonyt, az angol kiralyi csaladot, Bill es Hillary Clintont, a katolikus egyhazat es Henry Kissingert, csodalta Trockijt, Orwellt, Woodhouse-t, Spinozat, Thomas Jeffersont es az irai kurdokat. Azert lett ujsagiro, hogy ne az ujsagokbol kelljen tajekozodnia. Politikarol irodalmian, irodalomrol politikai nezopontbol irt. Egyebkent pedig irt es beszelt mindenrol, amit erdekesnek vagy fontosnak tartott.