Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Charles Soule: Darth Vader (2017-2019)

Charles Soule's 25-part run picks up the story where Star Wars: Episode III left off. Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, has fallen. The Dark side consumed his soul, and Obi-Wan Kenobi left his wreckage of a body on the burning planet of Mustafar to die. But Emperor Palpatine retrieved him and gave him a new cybernetic body and a purpose. His new un-life starts with his first task to lead a group of fallen Jedis, the Inquisitorius, to hunt and kill the remaining Jedis who survived the purge.

Zachary Mason: Void Star

It is exceedingly rare to find a good cyberpunk novel. It is even more rare to find an exceptional one like this one. Don't get me wrong, it is not without flaws, but it has everything this genre needs. A cyberpunk society that the reader wants to devour and understand page-by-page. Characters of intertwined fate from all walks of life. The threat of violence brimming just under the surface (and yes, eventually surfacing).
What this book has in addition is paying hommage to the classics of William Gibson. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the novel are the favelas (and one I desperately hope the author will further explore in future novels) reflect Gibson's Bridge while the plot itself is an artful spin on Johnny Mnemonic.

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Devil Makes Three

I wouldn't be able to tell you what sort of music this band plays. I guess it's bluegrass, but quite frankly their style has changed a lot across albums. Hell, it's a small miracle that the band still exists considering the rather storied friendship of the members moving all over the US and whatnot.
To me it's feel-good music - the kind that makes you tap your feet. It's compounded by lyrics that are somewhat sorrow - imagine saying all be damned we'll have fun anyway.
Anyway, I'm not a writer for the Rolling Stone magazine. Have a listen and decide for yourself.